Friday, 10 May 2013

Learn sanskrit 18

Hello Friends, In the last class we have learned a small story now lets learn few higher level conversation, lets start with the sentences:

I) Conversation during Lunch

अन्नं बहु उष्णम् अस्ति
annam bahu ushnam asti.         

एकचषकं जलम् आनयतु।
ekachashakam jalam aanayatu.

किञ्चित् व्यञ्जनं परिवेषयतु।
kinchit vyanjanam pariveshayatu

व्यञ्जनस्य कृते लवणं किञ्चित् न्यूनम्।
vyanjanasya krate lavanam kinchit nyoonam.

सारः बहु सम्यक् अस्ति।
saaraha bahu samyak asti

किञ्चित् "उपदंशं" परिवेशयतु।
 kinchit upadamsham pariveshayatu

घृतम् एव न परिवेशितवान् अहम्।
ghratam eva na pariveshitavaan aham.

विना शब्दं भोजनं कुर्वन्तु।
vinaa shabdam bhojanam kurvantu.

सम्यक् चर्वित्वा भोजनं कुर्वन्तु।
samyak charvitvaa bhojanam kurvantu.

तक्रार्थं किञ्चित् अन्नं परिवेशयामि वा?
takraartham kinchit annam pariveshayaami vaa

मास्तु, इदानीमेव बहु अभवत्।
maastu, idaaneemeva bahu abhavat

Meaning in English:

The rice is very hot.

Bring a glass of water

Serve some dry side dish

Salt is less in dry side dish

Soup is very good.

Serve some Pickle

I didn't serve ghee to myself.

Don't talk while eating.

Chew the food properly and eat.

Shall i serve you some rice.

No, I already have some rice.


These are 11 sentences which normally people do have a talk during lunch. English meanings are given for these sentences. Now it's your work to make a proper conversation out of this.

U can mention two people name
u can add some wishes such as good afternoon/ hello / hi etc....
u can also add few sentences of your own.

If you can complete this conversation then u can manage in talking in Sanskrit at a medium level. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Learn sanskrit 17

So in the last post we have seen about the lakkaras. It is just a basic and starting a lot to cover yet, but let me not confuse you more by continuing the grammar, lets see some prose and conversations.... Below is a simple story :-

एकस्मिन् ग्रामे कश्चित् निर्धनः युवकः आसीत्  तस्य नाम धनपालः आसीत्  सः प्रतिदिनं भिक्षायै ग्रामं ग्रामं प्रति भ्रमति स्म  भिक्षायां प्राप्तैः सक्तुभिः तस्य घटः पूर्णः अभवत्  सः घटं नागदन्ते अवलम्ब्य तस्य नीचैः खट्वायां शयनं करोति स्मशयनकाले  निरन्तरम् एकदृष्ट्या घटं पश्यति स्म 
सः एकदा रात्रौ एवम् अचिन्तयत् – मम अयं घटः सक्तुभिः पूर्णः अस्ति  यदा दुर्भिक्ष्यं भविष्यति तदा सक्तु-विक्रयेण प्रचुरं धनं प्राप्स्यामि  ततः तेन धनेन अहम् अजाद्वयस्य क्रयं करिष्यामि  अजाद्वयस्य शिशुभिः अजानां समूहः मम समीपे भविष्यति  अजानां विक्रयेण गवांमहिषीणांअश्वानां  क्रयं करिष्यामितासां शिशुभिः बहवः पशवः भविष्यन्ति  तेषां विक्रयेण मम पार्श्वे बहूनि धनानि आगमिष्यन्ति  धनेन विशालस्य भवनस्य निर्माणं कारयिष्यामि  तदा मां धनिकं मत्वा कोऽपि रूपवतीं कन्यां मह्यं प्रदास्यति। ततः मम पुत्रः भविष्यति  तस्य नाम सोमशर्मा इति करिष्यामि। कदाचित् क्रीडन् सः पुत्रः मम समीपम् आगमिष्यति। तदा कुपितः अहं स्वपत्नीं वदिष्यामि – “गृहाण एनं बालकम्।” सा गृहकार्ये संलग्ना मम वचनं यदा  श्रोष्यति तदा अहं पत्न्याः उपरि पादेन प्रहरिष्यामि।
एवं स्वप्नेन प्रेरितः सः पादप्रहारम् अकरोत्। तेन सक्तुपूरितः घटः भूमौ पतितः भग्नः  अभवत्। भग्नेन घटेन सह एव तस्य मनोरथाः अपि भग्नाः अभवन्  अतः युक्तमेव उक्तं “अतिस्वप्नरञ्जनं किमर्थम्। अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् 

In English

In a village there lived a poor man. His name was Dhanpal. Everyday he used to go inside the village for alms, because of his daily routine his pot would be full of rice. Then he hanged his pot  in a hook and just down that he slept and very often he used to see the pot for his satisfaction.
One night he was dreaming that my pot is completelly full. During the bad times i would sell my rice and get a male and female goat from them i would have goat kid, then i would have a complete goat family. Later on i will sell them and get cows and buffaloes, from them too i will have cows and buffaloes kids. I will sell them then i would have a lot of money. From that money i will build my house. Seeing that a man would give a very beautiful daughter and i will marry her. I will have a son from her. He would grow up and start playing. while playing he would come to me then i would call my wife and say her to take him she did not listen and angrily I would kick her.
Even he was in dream but he was kicking in real. By mistake he kicked his own pot that pot fell down all his dream also fell down like a pot . What is the use of high dreams?
Moral of the story:
 We should not be over excited for anything.  


Give the meaning 
अर्थं लिखतु 

ग्रामे                     Village
घटः                     pot 
निर्धनः                poor 
युवकः                 youth 
पद्प्रहारं              kicking 


Answer the questions
1) ग्रामे  कः आसीत ?
   graame kah  aasit ?
   who lived in village?

2) सः किमर्थं ग्रामे भ्रमति ?
     sah kimaratam graame bharamti?
     why does he roams in village?

3) सः स्वंप्ने किं दृष्टि ?
     sah swampne kim drushti?
    What did he dreamed about?

Find out the lakharas from the story