Saturday, 17 March 2012

learn sanskrit 15 (grammar)

So in the last post i just gave u ahint of lkaras right yes ofcourse we are just going ahead in the same topic it is really very intresting topic among everything that is nothing but tence yes yes ofcourse the tences so lets learn below some basic introduction on the above mentioned topic

General introduction to the tenses.

In Sanskrit, verbs are associated with ten different
forms of usage. Of these six relate to the tenses and
four relate to moods. We shall examine the usages
Six tenses are identified as follows. The tenses
directly relate to the time associated with the
activity specified in the verb, i.e., whether the
activity referred to in the verb is taking
place now or has it happened already or if it
will happen or going to happen etc.

Present tense:  वर्तमान कालः 
There is only one form for the present tense.

Past tense: भूत कालः 

Past tense has three forms associated with it.
1. Expressing something that had happened sometime
    in the recent past, typically last few days.
2. Expressing something that might have just happened,
    typically in the earlier part of the day.
3. Expressing something that had happened in the distant
    past about which we may not have much or any

Future tense: भविष्यत कालः 
Future tense has two forms associated with it.
1. Expressing something that is certainly going to happen.
2. Expressing something that is likely to happen.
------Verb forms not associated with time.
There are four forms of the verb which do not relate
to any time. These forms are called "moods" in the
English language. English grammar specifies threemoods which are, Indicative mood, Imperative mood
and the Subjunctive mood. In Sanskrit primers one
sees a reference to four moods with a slightly
different nomenclature. These are, Imperative mood,
potential mood, conditional mood and benedictive
mood. Since the nomenclature differs we will have
to see what the moods in Sanskrit actually refer to.
The ten forms of usage of the verb are each given a
name in Sanskrit and all the names start with the
akshara l. Hence the forms are called the ten "lakaras"
(Even though two of the forms do not strictly start
with l , the term lkara:  applies)
1. लट  Present tense

2. लङ्ग्  Past tense - imperfect

3. लुङ्ग् Past tense - aorist

4. लिट् Past tense - perfect

5. लुट्  Future tense - likely

6. लृट्Future tense - certain

7. लृङ्ग्  Conditional mood

८  विधिलिङ्ग् .  Potential mood

9. आशिर्लीङ्ग्   Benedictive mood

10. लोट्  Imperative mood

so wasn't that interesting dear friends, hmmm so this is just an introduction to lakaras lets learn more on each kind of lakaras no no don't worry not now but in nxt post becoz i know it is a bit difficult..... so to learn sanskrit u need to learn this and all the upcoming notes very thoroughly.  

learn sanskrit 14

Hi, friends , in the last post we learnt some slokas and their meanings , and now lets proceed a step ahead .....
Today we are going to learn how to frame sentences by just seeing a picture. These kind of questions are normally asked during the sanskrit basic and higher examinations. This will improve our sanskrit in  both the ways speaking and writing too so today lets take a small picture and write very simple sentences......

चित्रं दृष्ट्वा पञ्च पदानि लिखतु :-

Write five sentences by seeing the picture:-

१. अस्माकं चित्रे एक ग्रामः अभवत|
२. चित्रे महिला तृणं अधारयत |
३. चित्रे एक कुकुरहः अपि अभवत|
४. बालकः चित्रे गोवत्सः संगे अतिष्टत|
५. अस्मिन चित्रे एक कुक्कुटी अपि अभवत|

1. Asmakam chitre ek gramah abahvat
2. chitre mahila trunam adharayat.
3. chitree ek kukuraha api abhavat.
4.balakah chitre govatsah sange athistat.
5.asmin chitre ek kukkutti api abhavat.

1.In our picture a village has been described.
2.In picture a women is carrying grasses.
3.In the pic a dog is also seen
4.A boy is standing with the calf in the pic.
5. In our pic a Hen is also seen.

In our sentencesu would have seen something very common we are using every where the different kind of verb ...... Like अभवत ,(Abhavat )  अधारयत (adharayat)...... why are we not using proper verbs like धारयति  (dharayati)   भवति  (bhavati)?

Yes there is a reason ... to know complete sanskrit it is better to know all the reasons so let me explain u briefly
see the picture is always in pastense so for pastence we always use (अ)  before all the verb .... but if it is plural then u should use the word (सन्ति ) ...... I know it is little confusing but no need to worry this is grammar called (लकारस ) (lakaras)..  we will learn briefly about this in upcomming post.